How do you like the new look? (If you're reading this through google reader or on facebook or through any other means which does not have you directly on the blog - click on through to the blog!!!!) The talented, patient and all-round wonderful Katie Lane of Lemon Cherry Designs worked with me rather tirelessly (I'm assuming this. She may have indeed gotten very tired. But she never mentioned it to me. 'Cause that's not how she rolls.) to make it just what I needed it to be. If you're in the market for a new design, click on Katie's link on the sidebar! Grab my button, too, while you're at it!
I figured this was as good a time as any to let you all in on the story - if you want to call it a story - behind the title of my humble little blog.
For those who haven't already made the connection, '(Keep in Touch With) Mama Kin' is an (awesome) Aerosmith song from 1973. My bohemian side feels a connection to the lyrics from the very first line: "It ain't easy, livin' like a gypsy..."
Wikipedia states a couple possible interpretations of the lyrics:
It is likely that the song's message is about keeping in touch with your family ("Keep in touch with Mama Kin, tell her where you gone and been") no matter how busy your life may be ("sleeping late and smokin' tea"). It has also been said that "Mama Kin" is Steven Tyler's idea of a spiritual force that drives creativity and pleasure. "Keep in touch with Mama Kin" means remembering the desires that drive you to excel.
Both of these interpretations suited my goals for this blog. Mommakin was a quick jump.
The venerable Steven Tyler, rock god extraordinaire, had such high hopes that this would be the song that led to fame and fortune that he got his one and only actual tattoo as a tribute. It's true. You've almost certainly seen him sporting other tats, but they are all temporary. This one is the only one that's for reals. Rumor has it that the full name of the song was abbreviated because his skinny arm couldn't accommodate the full title.

Now Aerosmith, if you don't already know this about me, is the band most likely to make me go into squealy fangirl mode. Don't get me started on Joe Perry. Seriously, don't. Things get real gooey real quick.

I recently read an article which described Aerosmith's target demographic as 'middle-aged, lower middle-class men'. Oh, whatever.
When I started thinking about a blog design, I wanted to nod to the rock and roll roots behind my Mommakin moniker. Katie worked with me to come up with this tattoo based design which I think, well, rocks. As does Katie. And as. Do. You.
Well I for one think it's very cool! I had no idea about the origin of Mommakin......color be stupid...LOL! I want a very cool and pretty new to slink into the I can't spend money on that corner............whaaaa.
I had no idea what it meant! That is great.
And I do love the new look. I'm in line for one myself. But, it may take awhile!
Wow! Nice new look! Very cool. Love the explanation of Mommakin, too. I had no idea. I thought it was how you referred to yourself. Anyway, love the rockin' new design. I'm grabbing your button for my blog right now!
Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday on my SITS day! CUTE design!! Hope you enjoy your weekend and your new blog layout!
thanks for visiting my blog today! Hope you'll have a great weekend!
Happy Saturday!
Hi, popping over from SITS. You were above me. I love your site. I hope you will visit. I live for comments too. LOL
Love it. Jealous.
(whispering) I think I made a big mistake with mine not with my designer, but I definitely went too scrapbookish.
but this is not about me.
How do you not lose you signature; cause I have a big problem with that!
oh yeah, not about me.
Love it and your blog. love your stories!
The new design is COOL!. Keep writing - I still say you should publish something soon . . . you're a contemporary Erma Bombeck!
Popping in from SITS to wish you a GOOD morning.
Love your blog name and the tatoo button is too cool. Very cute design!
I love the new look and the back story - thanks for sharing.
First time here, loved the title post. Very creative!
Tammy, I love your new design look and I love Aerosmith too...and that Joe Perry, well what can I say! Enough said!
I feel like such a loser for not recognizing the double entendre of your blog title. My husband, the rock 'n' roll librarian/historian/savant, would be ashamed of me. I absolutely love the new masthead. It's perfect.
Love, love, love the new look! It is perfect for you!
You KNOW I'm gonna be in concert mode this Saturday.
You KNOW in true Savant form I'm going to feel awkward and retarded and wonder What on Earth Should I Do with My Hands?
(Did you know I'll be bringing a Dwight [from The Office] bobblehead? so holding a DOLL might help.)
But no worries; cuz one of the few other concerts I've attended in my life was Aerosmith.
You complete me.
"i got it! i got it!" said the girl who is a former (now closet) headbanger! btw im passing you a return note in the hallway between classes.
thanks for checking the yes box... I think I like you too!
I love the way you think... and Joe Perry? Yeah, definitely my childhood hero. :)
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