The Donnas - every single Donna (none of whom are named Donna) were all born in 1979. I know this because Tom looked it up. Tom could tell you their whole history. I know, 'cause he told me. When the squealy fanboy bug bit him, it bit hard. My first reaction to hearing this was, "Holy crap! I'm old enough to have been their unwed teenaged mother!" (You know, because having a child at seventeen is feasible, but marrying the boy I was dating when I was seventeen? I shudder.) My second and more prevalent reaction was, "They're THIRTY?" Because from the sixth row not one of them looked old enough to drink a legal beer. Third thought? Thank God they're thirty, because the thought of Tom getting so hot and bothered over teenagers was a little unnerving.

How cool are her pink bass strings? How cool is it that we were close enough to see her pink bass strings?

Our introduction to The Donnas came when we watched the special features included on the
Detroit Rock City DVD. If you're waiting for me to apologize for or justify liking
Detroit Rock City, I sure hope you're comfortable, 'cause that's not going to happen any time soon. Anyway. Here was this cute, young, girl band in KISS face make-up singing 'Strutter', rocking hard, and clearly having a ball. Not one thing wrong with that.
When The Donnas took the stage (For a mere four songs. That's how it goes when you're the warm-up band for not one but two icons.) Tom was on his feet for the whole short set. Most folks were not. MOST folks had not even showed up yet. When the set was over, he was all smiles. "I KNOW
she saw me, Tam. SHE saw me and APPRECIATED me."

"She liked you, stud. Ain't no doubt."
They would've been great opening for Joan Jett. But then Tom's head might have exploded.
Next up? Pat Benatar and Blondie. And I'm still in the sixth row, center. Yeah.
That's awesome you guys went to the concert together, my hubster hates concerts! I lOVE concerts so I end up going with my sister which is a blast anyway.
Welcome back!!! ( I'm only very , very, late in saying that..)
:-) I'm getting very jealous here..... Joan Jett, Pat Benetar, and Blondie.....
Tom would have had company in the squealy fan boy department.....
Cause I love Rock and Roll... and Joan Jett!!
Man, I wish I could hang out with you guys!
(And those pink base strings are awesome!)
Looks like it was a good time! I'm surprised at how close you were, those pictures are great!
I would SO be an awesome third wheel for you and Tom.
That's what everyone wants, right?
Call me your designated driver, whatever.
And let some o' your coolness rub off on me.
I knew the Donnas were younger then me, but I was thinking they were like 25 at the oldest! Weird.
So funny. I love that he stood up the whole time...good times for both of you. Looks like a blast. Good pictures!
It's so cool when you're close enough to see the PINK STRINGS!
Oh not to brag or anything, but The Donnas came into my work once. Yup.
So did John Doe of X. I know you didn't see X, but I love them so I thought I would brag about that too because I'm just too friggin' jealous of you right now.
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