Molly is getting old, but she still likes to play. She just can't play quite as often or quite as long and she needs a little nap after a good romp.
Molly likes (needs, craves) attention and doesn't mind kissing up a little bit to get it.

Molly loves a nice sunbath.
Her favorite place to be is curled up against Tom.
She's loyal.
I'm loyal, too. (How's that for a segue?) I know this because my buddy The Scholastic Scribe herself awarded me this Loyal Friend and Visitor Award, and I couldn't be more pleased.

Purdy, ain't it?
I am fortunate enough to have many loyal friends and visitors (including the Scribe herself), so I would like to bestow this upon a few of them. (I usually hate this part because I'm always certain I'm leaving someone out, but this time it was easy - I looked over my last 10 posts and the following folks commented on 7 or more of them.)
Unknown Mami
Blue Violet
Bonnie K
Joanna Jenkins
Housewife Savant
Badass Geek
Kathy B.
Whispering Writer
Unknown Mami
Blue Violet
Bonnie K
Joanna Jenkins
Housewife Savant
Badass Geek
Kathy B.
Whispering Writer
Pick up your award, if you like, and pass it on to your most loyal friends and visitors!
And if you get a chance to have a nap in the sun today, be sure to think of Molly and I - it's likely that we'll be doing the same thing.
awwwww!!! look at the doggie!!!! Love her!
I'm a lurker I can't help myself. Molly is too cute and she sounds a bit like me too hehe.
Oh my gosh! That picture of Molly leaning into Tom could break my heart! Look at that face! Those heartfelt eyes. Pure love there. I absolutly love it!
I truly love that picture of Molly curled up so closely with Tom! How wonderfully sweet!
Congrats on your award and thank you so much for passing it along to me! :)
What a beautiful dog, Tammy! Molly knows where it at! Congrats on the award. ;)
Awww.... Molly looks like such a sweet dog and reminds me of one of mine that passed recently.
Aw, thanks! That picture of Molly and Tom could not be better. I love Molly and I've never met her.
I'm loyal because you and your blog freaking ROCK!!!!! It's become an important part of my day.
P.S. As for cute are those pics?
Congrats on your awards!
Well they say that you inflict your own personality into your dog. So that must be why you have similar traits! Your dog is precious.
My dog on the other hand, runs into walls, chases his own tail and is a complete nut and sadly, he's very stupid. So what does that say about me, his owner? Sigh!
Congrats on the award! Molly is the photo of her with Tom.
Muchas gracias!
I love the pictures. What a sweet Molly.
I'm like an old dog too.
I hardly ever have enough energy for a good romp.
That's what you said, right?
Now I lurve the word "romp," and I'll use it often.
Thanks for the love. You KNOW you're my fav.
Awwww, I love your pup! Mine is getting old too, he's got a white goatee now against his black fur coat. Breaks my heart.
I bet the only thing sweeter than Molly's little face is her dog kisses! You are blessed!
Molly is beautiful! I love the look on her face where she is kind of smiling in the sun.
Stopping by from SITS to say hello and tell you that we too are HUGE Golden Retriever lovers - we have 2and have raised goldens for the last 10 years - there is just nothing as special as a golden to us and our family. She is BEAUTIFUL! :o)
That is a beautiful pic on the award. Congrats!
Your dog is lovely. I miss mine.
the puppy is so sweet! congrats on your award
I love pictures. I love to peek into other peoples worlds. I'm such a weird voyeur. LOL
I LOVE that face! Makes me think of Rosie. And thanks for mention....I'm here for a reason! Love your writing.
What a cute doggy :)
Congrats on the award! Thank you for passing it on to me.
Thank you for the award!!
OMG, I LOVE your doggy....great pictures!!! : )
what a sweet face molly is... that is a purdy award..
Thank you for the award Miss Tammy. I'm loyal because you're terrific!
And your dog is too darn cute :-)
Hope you're feeling good today.
This is the sweetest blog award post that I have ever read!! Just adorable.
The picture of your dog snuggling with your hubby made me want to toss our cats outside and get a dog. Cats are not loyal!!!
I hope you had fun in the sun today. Congrats on your award!
I'm giving you one over at Stir-Fry, too. The post should be out tonight. (If I don't shut down the laptop and watch Grey's.)
(Just think we could have been sisters-in-law. I say "yes" to the margaritas anytime.)
What a sweet award!! And damn my moving or I would have been in there too!! :)
Well, it's're loyal, and LOTS of fun to have around! Snuggled up near you at SITS again today, you early riser, you. And, as they say, the books are in the mail. Happy TGIF!
Garbage In...Beauty Out
What a cute puppy you have! Congrats on your award =)
I had no idea you had a dog. Molly is an absolute love.
And thank you so much for the Award! I'm so flattered. I always look forward to visiting your blog and reading and commenting on your posts.
I think I might love Molly a little bit....:)))
Molly looks a whole lot brighter than my dog, who two nights ago, I shit you not, pooped in her sleep. That's my girl.
what a sweet post about your Molly. There are few things in my book that beat a good nap.
And then the purdy award! I am thrilled to be receiving it. Thank you :D
Hope you'll be back to your zippy self again soon.
SO sweeeetttt! Makes me wish I have a dog :) How old is this cutie?
Sweet puppy pics!
Awesome post! What a sweetie girl, and great life YOU have! :-)
Here I am......always late in picking up my awards, and in telling you how awesome you are!
Your dog is a beauty!
Thanks for thinking of me.........I love reading your blog
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