You're thinking, "Those Howards are such a clever lot. I wonder what manner of disguise they'll be donning for Halloween tomfoolery?" (Are you a little freaked out right now? That I read your thoughts so accurately? It's a gift. And a curse.)
Without further ado, a Very Howard Halloween:
As an homage to the upcoming Tim Burton, Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Carter venture, Alice in Wonderland, Liv decided to dress as, uh, Alice in Wonderland.
Now let me tell you a little bit about this. Liv is not quite but almost 12. She wears a junior size 5 (or 7, or 9, depending on the brand and the cut and - well, never mind - you get the general picture). Do you know how hard it was to find an Alice in Wonderland costume for her that didn't involve a bustier, ruffled panties and a mini skirt? She didn't want to be Alice - with a twist. She didn't want to be Sexy Alice. She didn't want to be Malice in Wonderland. She just wanted to be plain old Alice in Wonderland. Sheesh, as a friend of mine recently asked, "When did it become Skankaween?"
We found one and she looked awfully cute, wouldn't you say?
My love for Tom has been pretty well documented. My love for Alice Cooper has been almost equally well documented. My love for Tom AS Alice Cooper? Well, that's previously uncharted territory.
I tell ya kids, not since Liv's pirate birthday party 4 years ago...

What can I say?
Baby if you want to, be my lover...
So you're sensing a theme here, huh?
We had to find something for me that would make good use of all of the many assets I bring to the table.
Practical? Check
Frumpy? Check
Veritable Fount of 70's Pop-Culture Trivia? Check
Frumpy? Check
Veritable Fount of 70's Pop-Culture Trivia? Check
Have you figured it out?

Alice Nelson, of course. You can call me Alice Brady, though. I don't mind.
I didn't get to look sexy, but I did get to wear practical shoes and support hose for Trick or Treat. So that was cool. I think I may wear this to the grocery store next week. Maybe I can catch the eye of a certain bowling butcher...
Last, but never least, Miss Lea. Now Lea wanted to be Alice Cullen. Non-Twilighters are saying, "Who?" and Twilighters are saying, "Wait - how could you dress as Alice? She has no particular characteristics that stand out. She doesn't wear any particular garb. How in tarnation could one dress as Alice Cullen?" (I'm sorry. Reading your mind again. And FYI? No one really says tarnation anymore. You might want to put a check on that.) So we thought and we thought and we got it. The perfect punchline to our little family Alice joke:

Alice in Chains.
Alice (Cullen) in Chains, if that takes it to another level for ya.
So that's it - that's us.
As of Sunday, Alice doesn't live here anymore.
As of Sunday, Alice doesn't live here anymore.
Just as long as y'all don't go down the rabbit hole, I think you'll be OK. After you revealed your costume, I thought the next would be Alice from Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore. Gotta love Ellen Burstyn. Or even the TV Alice, with Faye, and Kiss My Grits...
You guys sure seem to have a good time, don't you?
I'm cracking up at Alice's chains and namet tag. Your husband rocks the guyliner thing. You guys are going to have a great time! Happy Halloween!
You all look fantastic! I bet Halloween with you is a blast. have a great time.
I love your blog found you through blue violet 9nut in a nut shell)
OMG!! You are so clever! I love them all! (The guyliner looks great on him, btw.)
I love all the Alices!!! But I especially love that your lady in wonderland is a true Alice! And the play on Alice in Chains and Alice Cullen -- very clever! What a beautiful family you are.
I LOVE YOU GUYS!! Who came up with the Alice theme? Every single one of you is adorable. I'm trying to think who it is YOU are looking at...Greg or Marsha?
Happy Halloween!
I loved every bit of this. You all are so fun and creative. Halloween is gonna be the best!
Too darn cute I tell ya! I wish you guys were my looks like you guys like Halloween as much as I do...and have alot of fun!
Happy Halloween!
ALICE! Love it! You are so rocking the look!
I love the family theme! I don't think I could come up with so many Alices. Have fun!
Here from SITS!
I cannot believe ALL 4 of you are Alice's! That is so so soo cool and freaking funny!!
I love it!!
Your husband totally rocks as Alice Cooper!!! (eyeliner...yup)
And I love that your daughter did Alice Cullen:)She looks great!
Alice in Wonderland looks perfect and picturesque and JUST they way she should! I hate that they try to make everything sexy.
Any YOU! {{smile}} LOOK GREAT! LOVE. IT! Sam would be glowing!
Love the Alice (Cullen)in Chains! That is awesome! All the rest are too! Alice Cooper looks real! Should be carrying a golf club, lol.
What a FUN post! Loved it!
SO awesome.
OMG, an Alice family theme!! How awesome is that! It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside...go you guys!
Oh, and that "skankoween" is a perfect term, I might even have to assimilate it into my lexicon. When I was teaching a few years ago I was having a discussion with some of my students about just that, how girls dress like you-know-whats every Halloween, and one of the girls said, "I know, isn't it awesome! I mean, Little Bo Peep was never slutty until Halloween came around!" Ridiculous.
Great post, once again.
M :)
You guys just crack me up! Mmmmm, big Alice Cooper fan here.....
OMG, you guys ROCK. How cute!! I love it. Seriously. You have all the Alice's represented. Alice in Chains?! Awesome.
Hey, this is weird, but you look really pretty as Alice Brady. :)
Hurray for the Alices, in all their forms! Tom couldn't look any more like Alice Cooper if he tried. That's fantastic. And....SKANKAWEEN?!?!? HAHAHAHAHAH!!!
It’s at this time of year that my heart goes out to Americans, and their endless quest to find a fancy dress costume. However your family have acquitted themselves well.
It was only after I started blogging that I became aware of the phenomenon, and also the skanky look thing. I saw the film Mean Girls recently, where Lindsay Lohan’s character has the line:
“Halloween is the one night a year when girls can dress like a total slut and no other girls can say anything about it.”
Of course being a bloke I somewhat regret that this fine tradition isn’t observed over here.
Anyway, congratulations on the Alice theme, especially Liv, who looks spot on.
totally creative! Everyone looks great!
Just stopped by from SITS again to say hi; hope you'll do the same.
OMG, this should win an award for perhaps the most clever Halloween family costume contest! Brilliant! I love it! Your family seems like a riot and so much fun to be a part of!
oh and men wearing eyeliner is definitely sexy! thanks for the reminder - next time Vivian and I play dress-up, we'll be sure to include daddy in the process! ;-)
OK, I don't know which is my favorite part about this post...Skanaween (totally agree) or your clever costumes!! LOVE IT!!
Go ask Alice, she's 10 Feet Tall! Perhaps I'll dress up as Grace Slick in drag!
SIr Hook of Warrick
There is also "American McGee's Alice" if you want to go all obscure video game Alice in Wonderland reference.
Alice in chains!! HAHA! What a great Alice Cooper comment! He should have been Sam the Butcher! I could go on and make a meat joke, but I won't!
I lived in North and South Jersey!
Every single one of those costumes is perfect and FANTASTIC. Alice (in chains)? OMG I fell out of my chair laughing. Brilliant.
Totally awesome costumes. You all look great. Very creative Alice Theme.
That's awesome!
My husband is a high school teacher and he says on Halloween he walks through the halls looking at the floor because he is disgusted by the lack of clothing the girls wear as their "costumes"....
Those Howards are beyond clever!
I love all these costumes :)
Happy Halloween!
Double, double toil and trouble;
fire burn and cauldron bubble.
~ Shakespeare "Macbeth"~
Men in are a wild and crazy girl!
cool - love your creativity. :)
Awesome theme, family!! I have to admit, my favorite is Alice in Chains!!! ROCK. ON. SISTER. !
And, btw, looking forward to reading the novel..
Tammy, those are some awesome costumes!! I love them all. You must have been so fun to see on Halloween night! Now it's none of my business, but did you have your hubbie keep his costume on a little later than necessary? (or as perfectly long as necessary, however you choose to look at it) ;)
i have been awaiting these pictures since you told me of your idea and i just love them all... did you see in hot topic they had edward and bella costumes? a green dress (????wtf) and a blue pea coat, okay that i get. no wigs, where was the edward wig and the alice wig? and the trashy costumes, an epidemic.. btw, great job with the hair :) you pulled alice off great!
LOVE. IT. All of it! You guys look totally awesome!
And I hear ya' on the Alice in Wonderland thing. The costumes that fit junior sizes are NOT meant for junior wearers.
There is a guy at the RenFest who performs in guyliner oooh la la :D I'm with ya. Love all the Alices!!! You guys are a clever bunch, indeed...
Oh my gosh you guys are a hoot. I LOVE the Alice theme and you made a kick ass Alice Nelson :o) Miss Megan went as a twilight character too and we had a hard time figuring out what to put her in as well. She was Renata one of the Volturi. I wore a name tag with my costume too. It said Hello my name is Michelle Duggar. Wish you guys lived in our neighborhood. :o)
What a hoot!!!
My kids( and I) we are dress up losers! Nick didn't even want to trick or treat this year, until a buddy invited him over and we dug out a costume that would fit and work.
I love your Alice costume......imagine she wore that garb for most of 6 season...LOL. Tom was a dead ringer for Alice C......very imaginative!
Sorry I've been gone...............hope you all had fun!
OMG!!! I love your family. We might have to hook up!! You are all a riot.
You guys definitely gave the Addams family a run for their money!
P.S. Sorry to be belated!
You guys are all so creative! Loved all the costume choices! You ROCK as Alice, BTW! :)
Insanely clever! Wow! I love you guys! I'd be happy to upload the whole bunch to my FB gallery, if I have your permission.
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