But it got me a'thinkin'...
With apologies to the original "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie" and all of it's legitimate follow ups, I present:
If You Give a Mom a Margarita
If you give a mom a margarita,
she's going to ask for some chips to go with it.

When you give her the chips
she'll probably ask for some salsa.
When she's finished,
she'll almost certainly ask for another.
Then she will probably decide it is time to dance.
She will almost certainly ask the DJ to play 'something from the '80's',
and when he does,
chances are,
she will put her hands in the air like she don't care.
Then she will want to look in the mirror to make surethere are no visible sweat stains her hair still looks okay.
When she looks in the mirror, she might notice that there are some hairs on that lip and chin that she hadn't noticed before she left the house.
While she is fretting about that and realizing that she did not remember to put the tweezers back in her purse after removing a splinter from one of her kiddos,
she will probably notice that her lipstick needs to be retouched.
She will almost certainly notice that you are touching up your own lipstick,
so she will probably ask to borrow yours.
After you say, "Ew! No! Gross! Lipstick is not for sharing" she'll probably borrow some from a stranger in the ladies room.
She may even borrow mascara!
Before she walks out of the ladies room,
she will almost certainly want to adjust the straps on her shoes.
When she reaches down to adjust her shoes,
she will probably notice that her Spanx have rolled down below her belly.
And chances are,
she will decide that Spanx are stupid anyway and she will wiggle out of them right there in the ladies room and whip them around her head victoriously like a battle prize before stashing them in her bag.
When she returns to her table she will probably feel so free that she will order cheese dip and guacamole to eat with her chips.
And chances are,
if she eats the chips,
She's going to want a margarita to go with them.
If you give a mom a margarita,
she's going to ask for some chips to go with it.

When you give her the chips
she'll probably ask for some salsa.
When she's finished,
she'll almost certainly ask for another.
Then she will probably decide it is time to dance.
She will almost certainly ask the DJ to play 'something from the '80's',
and when he does,
chances are,
she will put her hands in the air like she don't care.
Then she will want to look in the mirror to make sure
When she looks in the mirror, she might notice that there are some hairs on that lip and chin that she hadn't noticed before she left the house.
While she is fretting about that and realizing that she did not remember to put the tweezers back in her purse after removing a splinter from one of her kiddos,
she will probably notice that her lipstick needs to be retouched.
She will almost certainly notice that you are touching up your own lipstick,
so she will probably ask to borrow yours.
After you say, "Ew! No! Gross! Lipstick is not for sharing" she'll probably borrow some from a stranger in the ladies room.
She may even borrow mascara!
Before she walks out of the ladies room,
she will almost certainly want to adjust the straps on her shoes.
When she reaches down to adjust her shoes,
she will probably notice that her Spanx have rolled down below her belly.
And chances are,
she will decide that Spanx are stupid anyway and she will wiggle out of them right there in the ladies room and whip them around her head victoriously like a battle prize before stashing them in her bag.
When she returns to her table she will probably feel so free that she will order cheese dip and guacamole to eat with her chips.
And chances are,
if she eats the chips,
She's going to want a margarita to go with them.
Awesome! I need to take you out for margaritas.
OMG!! THAT is the funniest post I have ever read! Seriously, there are tears running down my cheeks. AWESOME! Thank you for that!
And thank YOU for THAT Miss Pam!!!
That is the BEST!! Can I hang out with you?!
Tammy Howard - Queen of Readers with Wet Pants.
Not a noble title, but sheesh! We be LAUGHING.
Howard readers are dying to know...
Is this story autobiographical? Come on...tell!
Gibby - Next time you're in Central Ohio, I've got a margarita with your name on it.
HS - Queen? I like the sound of that. Will someone please fetch Momma her tiara? No - PRINCESSES wear tiaras - QUEENS wear crowns, no? I don't know. No matter. Momma wants some head bling.
Alex - Not strictly, in that I would never wear Spanx on a night where margaritas and dancing were going to be involved. Oh, and I rarely have lipstick in my purse. The rest sounds like a typical Wednesday...
Visiting from SITS!! Fabulous story. Thanks for the laugh. :)
This is so funny Tammy!!! I think I might have actually been this mom before.........minus the spanks.....LOL!
Happy Friday!
Tammy I just wanted you to know that I emailed this post to all my girlfriends. I really felt this post needed a wider audience. I'll let you know if I get any feedback!
Wow, Pam, thanks! That is beyond awesome! I am extremely flattered!
I was THERE that night!! Tonight is Ladies Night with 3 friends of 30+ years....I'm gonna print this out and read it to them (if that's okay with you??) Too funny!
Sandy, bless your heart - please girl! Share the love!
That was great! We are big fans of Mouse/Cookie, Pig/Pancake etc. So this one is good for moi! :) Stopping by from SITS.
Once again, you've hit it outta da park. Funnay!
Oh, and btw, the WORD VERIFICATION I had to write in order to post this comment? RETCH.
That was really cute! Loved it!
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