Yesterday was a party, but today it's back to the real world. That's cool, though - because some of you may remember that I teased a couple weeks ago about a giveaway? Well, that's happening today. That's not a bad segue back to reality, huh? Free stuff. Nice.
The folks at CSN stores offered to send me a product to review for them. In exchange for an honest review, they sent a Kaloric stick mixer for me to try and - the best part - offered to send another one to one of my lucky readers. Cool, right?
Ok - a little back story: On Halloween, my daughter dropped my point and shoot and it hasn't worked since. I was trying to hold out on my review until I'd replaced it, but then I just got antsy to get one of these out to you and money for a new camera didn't seem to be appearing from the sky, so - so I decided to power through sans personal pics. (If any of you have a direct line to Santa, perhaps you could clue him in regarding my camera dilemma. Thanks.)
But I've digressed, haven't I? Sorry.
Yesterday was the perfect day for me to fire this puppy up. I was so busy answering all of your wonderful comments (thank you, thank you, thank you, by the way! - I'll visit you all before the week is out - promise!) that I didn't have time to make lunch. So I said to myself, I said, "Self? You ought to use that stick mixer and make yourself a smoothie. A vodka smoothie." And that's just what I did. Now, in the interest of full disclosure, I've never owned another stick mixer, so I don't have a basis for comparison. (Fine. Also in the interest of full disclosure I didn't have a vodka smoothie at noon. Just a plain old strawberry banana one. Happy? Full disclosure is no fun. Let's not invite full disclosure next time.) What I can tell you is that my smoothie was done in seconds. (And that it was delicious!) Clean up couldn't have been easier. You KNOW I love that!!! So. Easy to use. Easy to clean. Easy to store. It is ALL good! I know I'll be going to this instead of the blender over and over again.
AND NOW YOU CAN TOO! (I screamed that like Billy Mays, God rest his soul, and pointed at you! Yes you!) Just leave a comment and you're in the running. Simple as that. Easy peasy lemon squeezy. Everyone gets one entry only and - sorry - it can only be shipped to an address in the U.S. of A. (But everyone can still comment! Woo hoo! Just let me know that you're ineligible for the giveaway in your comment. Sucks, I know, but what're you gonna do?) Make sure you have it set up so that I can reach you via e-mail. I'm going to draw a winner on Friday, November 27, 2009, so be sure to comment before then!!!
Think of it as a slightly belated doorprize from the party.
(tomorrow is another party - a BIRTHDAY party! - and you're invited...)
Wow! You're having quite the week aren't ya?!
ooooh I want one. My kids love smoothies and shakes and I LOATHE the cleanup of a blender ...
This must be providence! My stick blender gave out last year! (oooh pick me, pretty please!)
On a side note, yes, I agree: Full Disclosure can be a PITA!
I just love the memories from a good party...even if I don't love finding candy corn behind the entertainment center and silly string under the couch. Sorry about your margarita glass. I'll get you another one. I was trying to show my BFF how I can balance it on the end of my nose while hula-hooping. It didn't work out so well.
You take me out of the running for the mixer. We do have one and in the interest of full disclosure, I DO make vodka smoothies at noon. And 1, and 2,and sometimes 3 and 4. I highly recommend it.
Well I've always wanted one of these little babies, you know in a potato soup recipe it says to use one to puree some of the potatoes, not all, and darn, that must be what's holding me back from even more great gastronomic adventures!!!
I love the way you write, and that full disclosure thing, no fun :(.
I hope I win, I hope I win, I hope I win!!
Glad you had such a fun day yesterday :o) You throw on helluva party sista. Did you see that I have a give away going on my blog too ? You so need to enter. BTW what's wrong with a vodka smoothie at noon ?
It's always five o'clock somewhere right ? Just an FYI if it's noon here EST then it is five o'clock in Kamchatka Russia. So just say you are on Kamchatka time :o)
OMG...I loved your impression of Billy on! :D
If I win the handy-dandy mixer...will you throw in the recipe for the vodka smoothie?? I already have the one for the tasty, yet boring strawberry-banana jobby....I've got a 3/4 quarter bottle of grey goose freezing it's feathers off, just itching to be used!
Sounds like a great party -- I'll remember the tip about chocolate and tequila. (Glad to see that I am not the only one who remembers the Reese's commercials)
I'd love a mixer and a recipe for a Vodka smoothie.
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and the slow clap. Sometimes I get writing and before I know it I'm standing on a soap box...some days I just talk about my was a soap box day.
Thank you for visiting my blog! Wow a party ....I would have loved to be there lol lol I'm so glad you had a great time and I know the clean up is just overwhelming ha! LOL
Wishing you a Bless Thanksgiving and please feel free to visit anytime. I'm following you by the way....Love the blender!! I hope I win too.
I'd love to be able to make vodka smoothies!
and come check out my naughty giveaway!
i hope that's chocolate on your carpet, too. wait, that didn't sound very nice...
i mean i hope it's chocolate as opposed to something else. ;)
I've always wanted one of those but my love of kitchen gadgets has left me out of room & money for more. ~sigh~
I'm so glad I could come to the party! It was a BLAST. And as expected you had the BEST music.
I love kitchen gadgets... for about a week. Then I have trouble remembering to use them. i.e. I have an onion chopper and by the time I remember I could be using it, I am blinded by my tears and can't find it...
Missed the party yesterday but glad I made it by today!!
Ive never tried a stick blender!
Sounds great and much easier clean up?.. I hate cleaning my blender--- ok maybe thats just me
I've never tried a stick blender - but I have never tried most of the appliances in my kitchen so I think its best not to get caught up in the excitement - for me at least.
As my husband explained to me, the best way to avoid clutter is for me to stop acquiring crap I don't use.
I have a Braun stick blender. It kicks butt! I'm all about the kitchen gadgets and that's a great one. I haven't used an actual blender in ages. Glad you're enjoying yours!
Hi, 'sister'!
Wow--so sorry 'someone' got--eh hem--'chocolate' on your carpet.
So not my fault.
Man, I wasn't even there, Tammy--I swear.
Did you see me? No, you didn't see me.
Anyhoo--have a great time with your giveaway and have a great day, doll!
Peace, love and happiness,
'Diary Of A Sad Housewife'
I WANT IT!!!! I've been really good this year, I promise!
Glad you enjoyed your party :) I want one of these stick things, hubby loves his smoothies, maybe I can win!!
I used to have one of those stick blenders. I have no idea what happened to it. Were you using that to make the chocolate drinks? Hey-that's how it got on your carpet. LOL!
I always wanted one of those. I used to watch this infommercial about this stick mixer and I really wanted it. I love infommercials. And Billy Mays. May he rest in peace. :)
Aren't you just Ms. Fancy with a SITS day and now a giveaway? Well played ma'am, well played indeed!
Put me in the running and thanks so much daw'lin in advance!
Excellent way to come off your party high.
Hope you enjoyed your big SITS days.
i already have one...they are fantastic...i used to (yes, that was past tense) use it daily when making my protein shakes back in the body building days (would i lie to you?) was the perfect tool...
so don't pick me...i don't need another one...
however, i'm using my blender and your impression and your recipe idea and making myself a strawberry banana vodka ask, "where's the impression come into play"?...i sprinkled the top with some real good cocaine and i'll die in my sleep tonight...
I had a party like that this weekend too! I am still recovering:-)
Oh fun!! We would love that in our house:)
I'll be back tomorrow for the birthday party:)
CSN is hosting a giveaway for me on Friday. Fun stuff, more fun with vodka smoothies ;)
BTW - I can't believe you already commented on my blog from you being the Featured Blogger, you are crazy, aren't you?!
I gave up on replying back to everyone a week later.
Is it totally out of line and weird that I thought that photo was a sexual device before I read your post?? LOL! Anyway, I guess my brain is in a weird place today. And I just finished baking and blending too (pumpkin cheesecake) so you'd think I'd get a clue to all the cool gadgets and such. Anyway, thanks for offering it. And congrats on your SITS feature by the way! Have a great Thanksgiving.
I bought a stick blender thingy from Sur La Table a year ago to froth my hot cocoa. So I guess it's technically a frother, not a stick mixer. Anyway they're are great gadgets. Congratulations on the product review.
This would be so much cooler than that margarita machine my hubby was trying to get me to buy for $199.99! Okay, maybe not cooler but easier to use, clean and pay for-and hey, if I win it-even better! :)
Vodka smoothie, bloody marys...I knew I liked you :)
Mmmmmm... I need a vodka smoothie right about now....:)
It was a great party too!Ü
Did the stick mixer REALLY grind up ice in a drink? If so, it's time for me to Rock That Stick! Oh, and btw, does this make you a hooker? A mouthpiece? A spokesgal? Or just a lucky lady? Regardless, it sounds like you need to quick to an ad for Belvedere Vodka.
Smoothies, eh? That sounds like a culinary adventure even I'd be willing to undertake.
This was some serious Streaming!!! LOVE IT.
You are now a member of the giveaway club...what's next? :)
Happy Thanksgiving Friend! xoxo
Glad you enjoyed the party! Easy to use, easy to clean AND easy to store. Sounds to good to be true.
I could really use a vodka smoothie about now! And I love stick blenders. They make soup really smooth! With very little mess! Hope you enjoy your Thanksgiving!
You had me at Vodka Smoothie. I'm in girl! ;)
Wow, that is a cool blender! I make a shake every day. It would be a cool win!!
How did you get in the position that companies want you to review their products? Just curious...
Tomorrow is my SITS day..I am excited!
sandy toe
hey there.. thanks for visiting my blog
soooooo.. you're an A Phi girl too, huh? very cool! I am an initiate from Mizzou (U of Missouri) in '87... but I'm still active as the SW Regional Alumnae Membership Coord.
Thanks for visiting my blog! Happy Birthday to your daughter!!
I thought that it was a toy! LOL! If you get my drift!
That's really cool. I'd be honored if you entered me in your giveaway. I hope it'll bring me lots of partying like you. :0)
Seriously, I'm sorry I missed your feature. Congrats on that.
Needless to say, it's been a shit week over here. I'm a bit of a Debbie downer at the mo, but then acting was never my thing..
Thanks for stopping by anyway.
Hello there :-)
I'm stopping by from SITS and enjoyed reading this.
My house has been the survivor of many a party with, perhaps, the worst ever "incident" being the time I tripped carrying a tray of seafood and seafood dip. I swear, we still find splotches on the ceiling!
Nice to meet you and I look forward to following.
I want one!!
Maven--back in college we went on a float trip (party) one of my dear friends "caught a virus" that night. Her dear hubby tried to help. Pepto was not the answer...she threw up PINK all over my new country blue (it was popular then) house...What a mess...Lesson learned.
I always thought those stick blenders looked super cool, but wondered if they really worked. If you say it works, I'm believin' you!
Nothing like a fun party! Clean up can be amusing - and can tell you the REAL story of what happened when the tequila and chocolate sort of "gloss over" reality.
You are living right girl this weekl! A massive SITS turnout, a free stick mixer AND a giveaway! WOO-HOO!!! Count me in. I'd love to win one.
Have a great holiday!
That's it...I can't take it anymore...What is SITS??????
This would beat pulling out the blender by a mile!
OH! Me me me!
Count me in. Wow, this is my first giveaway entry not related to a step mom book. Woot!
I could REALLY use one of those,since I am fixing to go on a major "liquid" diet. Heh!
i had a stick mixer forever and didnt use it forever, until i found a new use for it! grinding up cooked ground hamburger even finer with garlic powder, a bit of water and some taco season. ohhhhhh iiiiitttsss gooooood. best burritos you'll ever have. and now, its broked!
so i say, pick me, pick me! i need a burrito!
What a fun gagdget!! Love it! Thanks for the entry- fingers crossed!
PS. Sorry to hear about your point and shoot:)
A vodka smoothie sounds much better than the Mad Dog smoothies I whipped up in college!
(Congrats on your SITS day! You deserve all the accolades and praise. And vodka.)
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