As a preschooler, Liv loved playing dress up. Well, sure. Most kids love dress up. But Liv would stay in character for - well - I think she might have been Dorothy Gale for two full years. She had three blue gingham jumpers and went through countless pairs of ruby slippers. She would only wear blue socks. When the weather got cold and I told her she had to wear tights, she had a fit. "Dorothy doesn't wear tights! Dorothy wears blue socks!" I told her she could wear blue socks over her tights, but that didn't fly. I finally found some tights that closely matched her skin color and she reluctantly agreed to wear those. But it didn't make her any too happy. Dorothy gave way to Laura Ingalls. Laura didn't live with us as long, but she certainly lived with us vividly. Tom and I grew accustomed to being referred to as Ma and Pa. Liv wore her bonnet to go to the grocery store. Or, you know, "to go into town for dry goods."
As she got older, we found out that Liv's convictions weren't confined to character authenticity in her clothing choices. She became a vegetarian at the age of ten and has never looked back. She doesn't impose her beliefs on anyone else, but she holds firm to them for herself. Liv knows who she is and she likes herself. I know a lot of adults who haven't come to that sort of peace (raises hand shyly hoping no one will see me...). To be able to feel it at twelve - an age when many kids are feeling their most awkward, is nothing short of amazing to me.

While she may be all about the tree hugging and animal rights, that's not ALL she's all about. Liv is also a talented writer and musician. Her ideas for stories blow me away. They're sweet, and clever, and unique - just like their author. She's a natural born writer. She also plays drums, piano and baritone. She has a band with her sister and a couple other kids (Um, playing the drums. Not the baritone. Just to be clear.) and they're sounding better than Tom and I ever dreamed they'd sound so early in the game. Her genre? Metal. Speed metal, specifically. I told her she should name her band 'Paradox'. (she didn't)
How could I have talked about my Livvie Lu this long and not mentioned her wit? A day doesn't go by that she doesn't crack my stuff up at least once. And ya know what? When she's sure no one is looking? She still kisses me goodnight.
Happy Birthday, Punky Punk! You rock my world!
Happy Birthday Liv!
Aww Happy Birthday Liv. sounds like you have been blessed with some awesome kids.. I am not that sure about my life path either and I am nearly 40 good for her for sticking to her guns on the vegan lifestyle. I LOVED LITTLE HOUSE. I had the entire series, I loved the show as well, wish it was still on. My 13 yr old boy loves the drums and my oldest can plsy nearly any instrument you put in his hands and he sings as well. Much love to her on her birthday and tellher never let go of what she knows about herself.. Life will mold to you if you never let go of your truth..
The humor in our kids is what keeps me going! Just a week ago my teen turned to me after a VERY long repetitive explanation of her day and said "ma--you smell what I'm steppin' in?"
Just love 'em.
Enjoy the birthday :)
Happy Birthday Liv :o)
Happy Birthday to Liv!! It sounds like the apple does not fall far from the tree. Kids that are so talented, environmentally conscious, and well-adjusted are a direct reflection of their buy yourself an ice cream cone today, too, to celebrate. Hope you girls have a great one!
Sounds like a great kid, oops I mean, young lady. I bet you must be so proud of her. Congrats and happy birthday to Liv!
(p.s. - my hand is raised shyly at not knowing who i am either. meanwhile I think my 2 yr old is planning to take over the world, go figure!)
Awwww, what a sweet tribute to a special 12-year-old. I feel like I know her!
Despite your hand-raising, it doesn't sound like the apple fell far from the tree. Maybe she just got there a little quicker which, I agree, is amazing.
Happy Birthday, Liv! I hope you have a spectacular year.
Adorable! Love the post Tammy. Happy birthday Liv. You won the Mom lottery.
Happy Birthday to your Liv! She sounds like an amazing girl at 12! Very impressed!
What a sweet post from Mom. You sound like an amazing person Liv! I admire you for sticking to your guns and doing what is in your heart! It will lead you many beautiful places in this life:)
We had a die hard dress up gal too. Not exactly the same but she went through her phases. The one lasted about 2 years of ONLY dresses. Pants were for boys! Her little bare legs were always hanging out and Ohio winters were harsh! I was so glad when she got over that one...
Happy Birthday Liv!!!
Happy Birthday to Liv, and what a sweet post mom :).
Happy Birthday, kiddo.
It's probably just me, but I think the sound a good speed metal band is missing is the dulcet tones of the baritone.
Happy Birthday Liv.
She sounds like strong and special girl.
My oldest turned 12 few months ago.
Liv sounds like a spectacular sweetie! You must be extremely proud!
What could be better than a good laugh a day and a kiss goodnight from your daughter. Lucky lady!
So when she started with the dressing up and stuff it was a sign of her creative brilliance, no? I think so!
She sounds absolutely adorable and I hope she has a wonderful birthday! Give her a hug from a strange blog lady who she doesn't know or care about, kay?
How wonderful! Happy birthday! I'm glad you're nurturing a young writer!
happy birthday to your daughter! sounds like you have an awesome kiddo, there.
This is wonderful! Happy Birthday to your precious, unique daughter!
She's marvelous! LOVED Little House series...went to the house and museum in Missouri and am writing a book about a pioneer family and I am sure it is this influence!
Happy Thanksgiving! I will be back to read more when the holiday madness is over!
That's so sweet! Happy Birthday Liv!
Happy Birthday Liv!!!
I wish that I could post a happy birthday video so that I could sing Happy Birthday to people! There are a lot of birthdays in the blog world!
Happy Birthday Liv!! Keep rockin!! I am sort of a Metalhead myself!!!
Happy birthday to Live! This is a wonderful post for her to keep always.
Happy Birthday Liv!!!
Happy Birthday, Liv!!!!
Really? She chose on her own at 10 to be a vegetarian? That's pretty cool.
happy rockin birthday to miss liv. the fact that she is so steadfast in who she is speaks volumes of how great her parents are.
She sounds like a great kid! Happy Birthday Liv!
Awwwww! What a sweet thing for me to read first thing this morning!
Happy (belated) Birthday to Liv!
Mama, you done good! ;)
Happy Thanksgiving! :)
Happy birthday to your lovely daughter!!
And Happy Thanksgiving to your whole family!
What a great post. Happy Bday, Liv!!! A lot to be thankful for today!!
Happy Birthday, Liv! And Happy Turkey Day, too!!
A Thanksgiving Limerick, DC-style:
I just heard that two turkeys’ demise
Was avoided, to their great surprise.
The big turkey in power,
In the eleventh hour,
Gave them pardon, along with the pies.
Hope you and yours have the Best!
Happy Birthday Liv!
What an awesome sounding kid. You're so lucky.
Oh and happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Birthday, Liv! She sounds like an amazing child. You are such a blessed mommy!
Happy Tofurkey Day!
Tammy, I have something for you on my blog. Please stp by and pick it up.
hugs hugs
You've got a real winner there!! She reminds me a bit of myself when I was a teenager. (yes, it's always all about me ;-)
I love that she is so talented!!! Hope Liv had a happy day :D
(its 7:00 PM and our turkey is still in the oven - perfect opportunity to catch up on my blog reading!)
Tammy, thanks for stopping by. Say Happy Birthday to Liv for me and tell her that at 44 I still do not know who I am or want to be. She sounds precious!
Hey Tammy, tell Liv Happy Belated Birthday from her twin cousin Nyssa. Nys had a great sleepover party and is still recovering. Becky
Feliz CumpleaƱos to Liv!
BTW, I am a never-nude. I wear cut-off jean shorts to shower.
that was adorable.
Happy, happy Birthday Liv.
I think I want to be like your daughter when I grow up. You have done a wonderful job with that one. I hope she had an awesome birthday!
I know this is late...but Happy Birthday to your sweet, sweet girl!
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