So. Today I am the featured blogger at SITS. If you're not familiar with SITS, you should be! They are a great group of folks who offer tremendous comment support to blog addicts like m'self. You'll find people you'll like there, I promise.
If you're stopping by from SITS, hi, howdy, pull up a chair and grab a cup of coffee, glass of wine, shot of tequila or can of Diet Coke. Seriously, I'll join you in whatever sort of libation you prefer. Wanna just squirt chocolate syrup down our throats and eliminate the middle man? I'm in.
So. Comfy? Ok. A little about myself, then.
Keep in Touch With Mommakin is a play on the Aerosmith song, Mama Kin. It sounds like a mommy-blogger name, but I'm not really a mommy-blogger. I do talk about my kids from time to time, (I have two girls - Lea, 13, and Liv who will be 12 this week.) but it's not all about them by a long shot. It's more about me. The subtitle. Wife, Mother, Squealy Fangirl, Frustrated Bohemian Suburbanite.
Now SITS would have me list three links for you to visit to get to know me a little bit and decide if I'm someone you'd like to spend more time with or not. This is hard! What if I link you to a bunch of posts about my kids and you hate mommy-bloggers? What if I link you to squealy fangirl posts and you hate the bands I love? What if I link you to whiny posts and you only like sunshine and rainbows and lollipops? (Seriously, though. I don't write a lot about sunshine and rainbows and lollipops. The occasional unicorn, but that's about it...) After a great deal of stressing and re-reading old posts, I just decided to go with three I liked. It's a pretty random sampling. Without further ado:
So that's a wee peek into me. I'm glad you stopped by! I hope you'll see fit to stop by again.
Happy Sits Day!!
congratulations on your sits day
enjoy ♥
Happy SITS day!!! :-)
Happy SITSday!! I can't wait to read your posts.
Happy SITS day!!!!
hey sits girl - i know you!!! hope your day is fun!!!
Happy SITS Day. I'm off to poke around your site a bit more!
Good Morning! Happy SITS Feature Day!!
Well Girl!!!! Congratulations! I didn't go to SITS this morning so I didn't know until I just stumbled upon!!! You are now officially famous and I am proud ta know ya! Enjoy your 15 minutes! :)
Happy SITS day! Loved your three posts...The pants one cracked me up, I think we have the same parents!
Happy SITS day!
Your blog name's going to be going through my head all night. Glad you picked a good tune. Enjoy your sits day!
I LOVE YOUR FRIGGIN TITLE POST! Being a feature blogger is great and all. But those copy pasters make me ... pissy.. instead of copy pasting on 60 blogs visit a few for real.
Off the soapbox, this is about you and how fab you are and i can certainly attest to your fabness. Hope Tom's phone doesnt overload, although, that would be funny. Sorry Tom.
But really I hope those who stop by take a minute to make an amazing new blogger bud like i did!!
xoxo love me some mommakin!!
Happy SITS Day!!
Tammy! You're the Featured Blogger? Awesome. Congrats, are the best. Enjoy your day!
Congrats on your SITS day!!! :D :D I can't wait to look around :)
I'm from Ohio too. Congrats on your SITS day!
Happy happy SITS day! i really enjoy your blog...enjoy all the praise today, you deserve it!
Hey there, Galfriend! Always dig it when one of my own gets the nod from Heather & Tiffany. Enjoy your SITS Day in the Sun, ya hear?
Happy SITS day!
Yay Tammy! Congrats on your sits day!!!
happy sits day! your blog is just great!
Hey, Happy SITS Day!
Nice to see another Aerosmith fan around here :P
Woo hoo! Tammy, I was so excited when I saw your button on SITS this morning, you so deserve your special day today! Happy SITS Day to you!
Tammy! That is awesome! Happy, happy SITS day!
You'll always be my favorist Squealy Fan Girl. Happy SITS day tammy!
Happy SITS day to ya! ;)
Have a very fun SITS day!
Sandy Toe
Nice to meet you Tammy! I LOVE Aerosmith too!! Congratulations on your special SITS Day!!!!
Hey girlie congrats on the SITS feature. Woo Hoo!!! So I guess I can say I am stopping by from SITS but I am also stopping by like I do everyday :o) I am glad you finished your book project. Now we can have you back in bloggy land where you belong. I've missed ya :o)
Sounds great! Have a fabulous SITSday!
Good morning and happy SITS day hun I am ready to rock and roll and slide over and share some chocolate would ya??
Congrats on your SITS Day.
Happy SITS Day!
Happy SITS day! I hear you on the not being able to decide which blogs best represent you. I'm looking forward to checking out your site.
I'm coming by to play some catch up, and here you are, basking in the glory of a SITS Day! :) Congrats on being Saucy! ;)
I love Aerosmith - but I never made the connection...can you see that bright light hovering above my head? It just switched on. ;)
Stopping in from SITS. I'm looking forward to browsing around.
Congrats Tammy. Today I can to be a Squealy Fangirl! I was psyched to see that you are today's FB. Enjoy your day in the spotlight!
I have a present for you to pick up from my blog! (in honor of your special day)
Happy SITS day! Love your tagline "frustrated bohemian suburbanite"- it sounds alot like what I think of myself. Can't wait to read your featured posts :o)
Happy SITS Day!
Congrats on finishing your book project....I love your blog some great post!
What fabulous posts! You are an awesome storyteller and I want to say that I really enjoyed my visit!
A big Congrats on being the FB today @SITS. Happy, happy day to you!
Happy Sitsday... Im going over to read some more of your posts :)
Happy SITS Day! GREAT blog and I can tell I'll have fun reading more. Congrats!
Tammy! I am so excited that you are FB today!! Congrats congrats congrats. Now more will find you and get to see how talented and funny you are. My only worry is that you will be so inundated with new 'friends' that you might forget about some old ones ;-) You won't do that, will you?? Nah, not you! Seriously, enjoy the day and the attention, it is well deserved.
Happy SITS day! i am glad I'm stopping by - your writing is very witty! I'll be reading your links later on!
Congratulations and Happy SITS day.
Yay! It's your day! You are going to have So much fun today!!!
I have taken a ponder before on how nice and streamline my bloghome is and what a organized place it is to come to. Ahhh! If all things in life couldn't be as easy and nice as blogging, eh?
Don't forget us little people now:) You are going to be busy!!
Woohoo!!! Congrats on your SITS day. Your blog looks very interesting. I can't wait to read more. Happy day!
Happy SITS Day!
I'm glad SITS introduced me to your blog. I like it, am now following and looking forward to reading more.
Have fun on your day!
I love your dancing post. After growing out of the little girl spinning around in her swirly skirt phase, it took me a long time to dance in public, particuarly without the help of several drinks, but now I've figured out that it's FUN!
Stopping by from SITS! :)
I really enjoyed your intro! I can't wait to poke around. I'm a new follower and look forward to reading about your interesting posts! I'm all about the chocolate shots ;)
Enjoy your SITS day!
Happy SITS day. Congrats on your feature. Off to read your other posts.
COngrats on the SITS day!
Congrat on your SITS feature status! Great to meet you Tammy, come see me some time!
enjoy your sits day-congrats!!
We could all use a plaque like that! and love the "eliminate the middle man" !!!! Stopping by from SITS on YOUR DAY! Congrats!!!
Hi...CONGRATS on this being YOUR SITS DAY....
Enjoy all the bloggy love and come by to see me sometime....:)
xo bj
Congrats...enjoy this gorgeous SITS day:)
No lollipops? That's it, I'm outta here!! j/k, of course
Happy SITS Day, enjoy it!!
Happy SITS Day to you!
Congrats on your SITS day.
Happy SITS day! I just came here after reading your posts. Hilarious! You seem to really put a lot of thought into your posts. You definitely have a new follower in me!
Happy SITS day lady!
Yeay happy sits day! I have been here before you are way fun. I love the pants post.
Happy SITS Day. Congrats! Love your blog. Love the sign you mentioned. I'm a catalog junkie too, and plus now the internet ezines . . . whew! Have a great day.
congrats on your suts day! :)
Tammy, Congrats! I love your banner and profile ~ I can tell I'm going to enjoy this SITS visit! Your opening paragrah really resonated with me. I've been feeling the same way about my personal life vs. my online one. I'm definitely struggling to balance the two. With young children, I find that keeping the house the way I like it has become an exercise in futility. The blogosphere is the one place I can control and keep as neat as a pin. I follow a few blogs where busy, dynamic, multi-talented moms post each and every day (with excellent quality). How do they do it? I wonder what their houses look like. Perhaps there's a housekeeper....I'm imagining a combination of Alice from the Brady Bunch and Mary Poppins who visits bloggers just long enough to get their homes in order :)
Fun blog, I love the blog post about your father's pants!
omg tammy! IT'S YOUR DAY! I FEEL LIKE I AM FAMOUS BY ASSOCIATION! tammy was my 100th follower and has an awesome blog and is an awesome person! FOLLOWER HER! DO IT! I INSIST!
Haapy SITS day!!!!
Congrats on your SITS Day! I *Love* Aerosmith and I'm also a Bohemian Suburbanite! Hooray!
Hiya! I just joined SITS so it's nice to make my first acquaintance :)
Congratulations on your SITs feature!! I hope you enjoy your day in the sun:-)
From one Ohio suburbanite to another . . . hey! I am looking forward to checking out your blog!!
Hello happy sits day! I'm a reader and writer hop on over when you get a chance and say hi!
Happy SITs day hun!
BTW have worked for Aerosmith and do I have some stories to tell...
I worked for Tea Party concerts in the 80s... as a production coordinator.
Tammy, I'm Jo. I think you should know that I believe us to be separated at birth and that our Mothers should be confonted immediately.
Are you in?
Meet your fellow Bohemian (or, as my nineteen year old son calls me; 'Hippie-weirdo'): Vegan, lover of brutal truth and 60's, 70's and 80's rock-n-roll. I majored in Facetiousness in college. Okay, so, I didn't actually go to college. Sheesh. Get all technical on me, why don't ya? Unless there's a University out there with 'Hedonism' in it's title...
Anyhoo--I like what I've read so far of your blog--consider me a new follower.
Congrats on your SITS day!
Much peace, love and happiness,
'Diary Of A Sad Housewife'
Hey there! Congrats on your SITS day. I'm off to check out your featured posts.
Happy sits day!!!!!!
I am from Ohio too. :)
Congrats on your big day! Enjoy!
Your homepage DOES look great... and your house is probably a lot less crazy than you think it is. That's what I like to tell myself sometimes. It helps. :) Happy SITS day!
SO happy when I saw it was you. Have an awesome SITS spotlight day. :)
Happy, Happy SITS Day! I hope you have an wonderful day! So excited to read more:)
Tammy! I didn't even know you were the SITS girl today. I love ya with or without SITS! All of these people will see what a fantabulous blogger, writer, person you are, and your followers are going to explode! Yay for you!
Love ya girl!
Love the title of your blog...very creative. Happy turkey week.
Happy SITS Day!!!
Great posts! Very diverse. I like that :)
Hope you're enjoying your SITS day!
Congrats...Happy SITS day!
HEy girl, much late congrats on your SITS day...........well deserved!!!
Happy SITS day. It is hard to define yourself by three posts, isn't it?
Life is so much larger than that!
Happy SITS! I think I'm gotta check out your site today instead of doing work. Yay.
-Victoria D.
Happy SITS day! Off to check out your posts...
Happy SITs Day!!! :)
Congrats on your SITS day girl! I'm so happy when I see it's someone's SITS day who I already think is completely awesome!
Happy SITs day to you. I am new to SITs but I came upon your post. Is it bad that when I hear SITs, I think of sitz (as in the bath).
Well congratulations and I look forward to reading your links :-)
Congrats! And holy crimony chickie!! 97 comments?! Did you see your followers jump??? Maybe I need to hook up with SITS. : )
You had me at "frustrated Bohemian suburbanite" because... me too! Wanna start a club? Of to read your posts now, and congrats on your SITS day.
When I type "of" I mean "off." You should know that if we're gonna form a club.
Oh Happy, Happy Day! This is your day--and we are celebrating YOU!
Now that I've got "and we danced" stuck in my head :) happy SITS day-congrats and enjoy!!
Look how popular you are Tammy!!!! I'm comment #96! Woo-hoo and congrats on being featured on SITS!
For those of you stopping by from SITS who don't know Tammy-- KEEP READING HER BLOG!!! She's awesome.
Love you girl. And Happy Thanksgiving.
Happy SITS day!!! Now I'm off to read your posts. I find it hard to inter-migle the mom stuff with my blog too...cause most of the time, it's about me, me, me...and well, umm the husband and kid too.
Happy SITS Day! I'm enjoying your posts! ; )
Hello and Happy SITS Day to you! Going to look around now. . .
Congrats on your SITs day!love the blog.
Tammy! Whoo hoo! I need the same plaque - but instead I have one that reads "Boring women have clean houses"! Have a great day :)
Congrats on your feature. Love SITS!
Happy SITS day!!
Congratulations on your SITS day!
Hello my bloggy buddy, I was elated to see that you were today's SITS FB! I think you and your blog are FABULOUS!!! Enjoy all the love!!!!
Sassy Chica
Oh, I can so relate to your grocery store escape. . . for me, it was Home Goods Store one night close to the holidays two years ago. A good, old high-school memory-provoking song, a big grumble w/ my husband, and crankier-than-cranky kids. And hormones.
But I cried. Hard. And then I went out for a beer by myself. How dorky is that?
I like how you describe yourself, Wife, Mother, Squealy Fangirl, Frustrated Bohemian Suburbanite. It's good to know that you're not just a mommy blogger as well, like one of my favs, Carma, you have more going on in your head than mommy hood. Congratulations on your SITS day in the sun! Stop over to visit sometime, I'd love to get your thoughts on my posts too.
I don't actually belong to SITS, but use it as a way to find other great bloggers, such as yourself, that I would have never found on my own. So, congrats on your big day and you picked up a new follower (I am a 90's music girl that knows every single word to Ice, Ice Baby and I will not hesitate to break out in song in Kroger and I absolutely choose my husband's wardrobe for him for everything except going to work). Although I may not know the Tracy Ulman shows you reference, I can appreciate the love you have for such nostalgic moments. Congrats on your big day!
You are fabulous! Happy SITS day!
Congratulations on your SITS day!
GREAT blog...can't wait to start blog-stalking you!!
Come by, say hello and leave a comment or two! If you bring a bottle of rum with you, all the better!
~Working Mommy
Visiting from SITS! Congrats on your day... I totally had to RUN over here when I saw the word KNIT... We'd be fast friends - I'm a knitter & a huge book lover too! So hello friend!
Happy SITS day! You are a fabulous blogger and they def made a great choice today! You have a new follower!
You are so funny! (although I hate to admit that I regularly sneak a direct drink from the chocolate syrup bottle - don't tell my family!)
Happy SITS Day!!
Hello! I'm with you on the downing chocolate syrup straight. Congrats on your SITS day!
Hey GIRL! Imagine if you will my excitement when I saw your name on SITS!! It was exciting!!
I don't need to read those posts because I'm so cool I already have.
Congrats to the 100th power. :-)
One of my husbands favorite bands (Aerosmith) and songs. He has a heart tatto with MamaKin on it. lol Congrats on being FB today. I hope you have a great SITS day.
Love the story behind your header. Aerosmith is definitely a huge hit with me. (80's child)
Steven Tyler (siiiigh)
Happy SITS day!!!
Wow! Love your blog, dear lady! Happy SITS Day!
Happy SITS day. Aerosmith fan...I used to be in love with Steven Tyler in jr. high. So, I guess I will hang around and see who else you squeal about because Ive been known to squeal myself.
Congrats on your day!
Hi. Visiting from SITS. I see that you like Aerosmith. I'm from Boston & a rock chic. I think we'll get along just fine. Just joking.
Love the tag line "squealy fangirl" - Happy SITS day and looking fwd to having a look around
I left a little present for you at my blog. If you get the chance, stop by and see!
Aw Tammy, i am so glad for you.
Congrats on your SITS day!!!
Just got back from Brussels. I missed you!
hugs hugs
Hi! Happy SITS day. Your blog is so pretty and I'm off to read your posts! What a great way to spend a Monday!
Congrats on your SITS Stardom!
I'm so glad I joined SITS the other day. Awesome blog! And my homepage looks much better than my home. Actually, with 4 sick kids who don't feel much like moving, the home isn't looking too bad today. Sad that it had to come from the kids being sick, but nice that I'm not having to trail after them picking up everything.
Happy SITS day!
Happy SITS day! I love you already! ;)
Pass the Jack Daniels, please.
Happy SITS Day.
What a great blog you have here. I am so glad you are the featured blog even thou I would eventually find you. If I find a blog I like I turn into little virtual stalker....not lurker because I do comment.
Have a great SITS day!
Congratulations! Your blogs seems very well written and fun. Great stories!
Okay, I have to get further explanation. What exactly is a bohemian suburbanite? And I will take that shot of tequila now, please. :)
sign me up, lady.
Happy SITS day.
Oh, I loved your profile "frustrated bohemian suburbanite"! I'm that, but in Minnesota. :-) Happy day! Enjoy your fame.
Your words have captured me! I am your newest follower so I can enjoy you all the time! :-)
Congrats on your SITS Day!
Happy SITs Day! I love your blog and I'm following it now. Cheers!
One more won't hurt, right....Here goes....Stopping over from SITS. enjoy your day. Hop over for a visit some time! And, Happy Thanksgiving!
- Cougs
Happy FB day!
Nice to meet you! I've got my Diet Coke.
Happy SITS Day. Really enjoyed the 3 posts you picked - looking forward to reading more!
Happy sits day :)
You are friggin' awesome and I'm so glad more people will get to know you. Congrats!
Happy belated SITS day! Hope it was a good one:)
Off to read your stuff!
Happy Sits Day. I didn't know what it was until today. I feel more informed already.
congrats on your big SITS day :)
Congrats on your SITS day!
Good to meet you! Hope you had a fantastic SITS day!
Holy crap, happy SITS day!! 157 comments, woo hoo!! Congrats, you totally deserve it, your writing rocks, your comments rock, you rock. But I've already gushed over here before. Enjoy your day!
I am late, is the party over? ;)
Well Happy SITS. I'm soooo out of the loop!
I could use a little sunshine and lolipops.
Forget that--I'll take a Venti Cafe Latte to get me through the next 12 solo hours with me tribe of five kids.
Glad to have found ya! I shall now following the links and see if I can find oz!
Holy crap! I get a little behind on my blogging and come back to 161 comments??? JC!!! Congrats onyour big day...I'm going to go read those 3 posts you wrote...even though I think I've already read them cuz I'm such a fan! ;)
Hope you had a fabulous SITS day!
It would appear I am late in my congratulations.
Sorry, I'm a bit late on commenting on your SITS day...but things have been crazy here, company...lots of company in town for Thanksgiving. Anyways, just wanted to say "hi" and let you know that I'll be keeping in touch with Mommakin! Have a great Thanksgiving!
Now feeling like crap. I missed your SITS day :-(
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